I’m an Aunt!!! (part 2)

Dear Rylan,

Thank you for being born so I could learn how to insert a slideshow into my blog.


Aunt Sarah

My nephew is perfect. My pictures, however are not. Here are few that did come out great though. These are of my dad holding him for the first time and the day he came home from the hospital. Did I mention that he’s perfect and I love him? Just checking. 🙂 And if the cat touches him you’ll have to call PETA on me. Enjoy the  mini show!

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For tips on how to make Rylan’s birthday cake you can check out Twirling Betty. There are instructions for the birthday cake mini bunting. I suggest running a few practice pieces of material through the sewing machine before using the ones cut out for the cake.

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4 Responses to I’m an Aunt!!! (part 2)

  1. rightmyerfam says:

    Congratulations!!! Being an aunt is a wonderful thing– you are going to spoil that baby rotten. Hope you are doing well and I miss you. I like your blog; it’s the one way I can keep up with your sarcastic humor and your wonderful creativity. All of the things I miss and love about you!

    Love ya– Becca

  2. Courtney says:

    Those are absolutely precious! And you’re right, he is beautiful! And that cake is the most adorable thing I have ever seen!

  3. Brenda Woods says:

    Great Aunt Pam (Pribble) has been sharing photos of your new family arrival. He is precious! Just a little warning to everyone…your lives will never be the same. Enjoy every minute of it!

  4. twirlingbetty says:

    Congratulations. That is one cute little boy! Loved the slide show and thought your bunting looked gorgeous. I’m delighted you were inspired to make some.

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