Assignment: city lights

So I checked out a book at the public library. More stories on my adventures in the public library later, there are PLENTY. Right now we’re going to talk about why I have an “assignment” and what it is. My new fun book is about digital photography. I need to see some progress in this hobby if it is going to go somewhere. I’ve loved it for years and yet have progressed little with it to date. So here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!

My first assignment is “City Lights.” No judgement people. If you read the blog then you are agreeing to watch me “learn by doing” no matter how boring it is. Please. Let us all be reminded that it is learning process and I am not in a formal class. I’m not going to lie, for this to be the first assignment it was slightly frustrating for someone who doesn’t completely understand shooting at night. I tried though. I really did. And thanks to Ryan who tagged along so I wouldn’t have to walk in the dark alone.

What better place to start than back in the great city of Lexington, Kentucky. I traveled back to see Dave Barnes in concert at Buster’s with Jessica. It was awesome.

Dave Barnes and band. Brief appearance by Andy Davis.


The largest fan EVER.

city lights

city lights

city lights

city lights

And some country lights. The neighbors have an obnoxious light by their house that came in handy while shooting.

lights from the city... far away....

It was a good weekend. For a few moments I wanted to move back to Lexington. Then, because God is infact gracious, there were gentle reminders of why I left and that those reasons have not changed since my departure. There is something more for me right now, as long and slow as the process may be. Yesterday I registered for the GRE. Regardless of how ridiculous I think it is to pay $160 to subject myself to mental and emotion distress for a test, I am taking it at the beginning of November. (this is when we all bow our heads and pray that I don’t lose mine. amen.)

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