Begin Work Zone

It was late. The kind of late that you don’t really want to see. The wee hours when you lay in bed praying that you will see the back of your eyelids because sleep is all you want. I rolled right, left, and I swear at one point I was upside down. It wasn’t happening, so I turned on the light and propped myself up, at three in the morning. I read a chapter in a novel. I played 37 rounds of “Angry Birds” on my iPhone. At one point I started reading my camera manual, hoping it would be so boring that I would sleep sitting up. Not so lucky, I gave up and got out a notebook and pen.

Earlier in the evening a brainchild was born. I was brainstorming a crafty gift idea and something amazing happened. The possibility that I had come up with a way to combine my building creativity with possible income, and above all else, a way to help other people had ignited a fire that was growing. It was because of this blaze that I could not sleep.

I know I’m horrible because I’m about to be a tease. I can’t tell you what my super fun idea is. Even though I can’t reveal my fun new project just yet, I am pleased to say that it is under construction and in motion. I am headed into a work zone. 🙂 What I can show you are pictures of a beautiful Kentucky fall day. I shot some pictures for Rainhill Equine Facility on this fine Saturday morning while they were adding on to the barn. Enjoy.

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2 Responses to Begin Work Zone

  1. Brooke says:

    I want to know what this brainchild is 🙂 So exciting!

  2. Pam Pribble says:

    As always, your writing and photos are amazing!

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