A Word from the Nocturnal

I feel like this at night.

I have trouble sleeping. Frequently. It has been an issue for quite awhile and to tell you the truth it gets kind of annoying. It is as if my eyes are tired but my brain won’t shut off. I’m not worrying. Stressed… maybe a little but that isn’t really why either. I just THINK. All the time. I’m a dreamer, though clearly not a night time participant. I actually wish that my mind had a menu button like my computer, “ Restart, SLEEP, Cancel, Shut Down.” Not only would that be convenient, I’m pretty sure I would utilize all of those options.

Since I don’t have a “sleep” or “shut down” option at bedtime, I try to put my midnight hours to good use. This week my nocturnal habit has produced a bit of productivity. I have made friends with Photoshop. We have spent a lot of hours together this week and we are slowly but surely becoming more acquainted with each other. This week I have learned:

How to collage. Yes I know. We’ve seen them already. 🙂 There will be MORE.

I have learned how to round corners thanks to a post from Ashley Ann Photography.

I have played with filters. Yay for texture.

And you know those photos with creepy blue kid eyes? Yep. I’m there. Why? Because at 2am even I am fascinated with the blue creepy eyes!


After a little magic (plus a few other experiments):

So, I’m glad to see a little progress, even if it is slow and basic. I’m also excited that my sister and bro-in-law are bringing my nephew out for a family photo session this afternoon. I’m pumped to have people willing to let me practice on them! Plus my nephew is cuter than yours. 🙂

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2 Responses to A Word from the Nocturnal

  1. Pam Pribble says:

    I thought your eyes were already blue???? Maybe we can all get together sometime and have a new cousin(s) photo shoot. Yep, stalking your blog…I enjoy!

  2. Brooke says:

    I feel like this at night too….:)
    I’m coming to lex tthe second weekend in november. want to come? 🙂 some sort of kalmia reunion stuff. But you are invited by me. B/c i don’t want to hang there all the time…i want to hang with you.
    And you could practice taking pics of my family 🙂 We need a good christmas card pic. Don’t you love when people volunteer your services for you? That happens to me all the time and I hate it, so I’ve decided to do it to you.

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