Encouraging Words

Everyone should hear them. I do not think that a person can hear, “I’m proud of you,” “I believe that you are capable of this,” or “this is difficult, but I believe you can do it” to much. Sadly, most people don’t hear them enough.

Recently some people rained on my parade. They didn’t mean to. They truthfully didn’t even know that they were doing it. But in my mind, I was losing confidence. My brainchild that has not been born was unknowingly being criticized and I was beginning to think, “Maybe I had a bad idea and I shouldn’t try this.” “Why would anyone want to be a part of this.” “I’m not that creative, this is not that big of a deal. I should give it a break.” Backing out is easy to do. The bad (and sad) thing about backing out is that you are left with the thought of, “I wonder what would have happened if I HAD…(insert your dream here.)”

I left the critizing situation a little while after those words were said and I went about my day. Well into that evening I was still questioning whether or not I needed to scrap my idea and go back to the path I was on before. I spent time with a friend who was a little more encouraging and then went home. I crawled into bed with my journal and my bible, ready to continue processing how much time I should put into my new adventure.

As I opened my journal a card fell out. It had been a while since I had written and I had forgotten about the card I had received the first week in September from a friend. This is what I saw when I opened it:

Encouraging words. ENCOURAGING WORDS!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaay!!!!! I do not believe anything is without purpose. When I looked at the post mark date, the card was sent the day before I dreamed this new dream and I received it the day after. While I don’t really believe in signs, I do believe that God knew I was going to need those words on the day that I read them. He knew that I would need a reminder that He is our hope. He knew I would need a reminder that my friends love me and will support me, even if things don’t go the way I plan them in my head.

I have pressed on with my fun new project, slow but sure. I am excited that it is making a little progress. I have embraced that it may fail. But the fact of the matter is it may NOT FAIL. Regardless of where and how God chooses to use it, I will never wonder what would have happened because I will try. – the end 🙂

Fun fact: Picture Packaging

When I posted the other day about templates I stated that I didn’t know how to make two pictures sit next to each other. Later that night I was playing in Photoshop (again) and was attempting to learn how to make a slideshow. Instead I figured out how to make the pictures sit next to each other without using a template. Photoshop users see below:

First: File – Automate- Picture Package—- The name makes me laugh every time I open it.


  • Under the file option in the box that opens select choose and pick your picture.
  • It will put the picture you selected in both boxes at first.
  • Click on whatever box you what a different picture in and it will take you back to your file selection.
  • Choose another picture and it will put it in the selected box.
  • You can also add boxes by choosing the edit layout and then adding a zone.

The two pictures above are actually one image… a picture package. WA-LA!!!

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