Assignment: city lights

So I checked out a book at the public library. More stories on my adventures in the public library later, there are PLENTY. Right now we’re going to talk about why I have an “assignment” and what it is. My new fun book is about digital photography. I need to see some progress in this hobby if it is going to go somewhere. I’ve loved it for years and yet have progressed little with it to date. So here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!

My first assignment is “City Lights.” No judgement people. If you read the blog then you are agreeing to watch me “learn by doing” no matter how boring it is. Please. Let us all be reminded that it is learning process and I am not in a formal class. I’m not going to lie, for this to be the first assignment it was slightly frustrating for someone who doesn’t completely understand shooting at night. I tried though. I really did. And thanks to Ryan who tagged along so I wouldn’t have to walk in the dark alone.

What better place to start than back in the great city of Lexington, Kentucky. I traveled back to see Dave Barnes in concert at Buster’s with Jessica. It was awesome.

Dave Barnes and band. Brief appearance by Andy Davis.


The largest fan EVER.

city lights

city lights

city lights

city lights

And some country lights. The neighbors have an obnoxious light by their house that came in handy while shooting.

lights from the city... far away....

It was a good weekend. For a few moments I wanted to move back to Lexington. Then, because God is infact gracious, there were gentle reminders of why I left and that those reasons have not changed since my departure. There is something more for me right now, as long and slow as the process may be. Yesterday I registered for the GRE. Regardless of how ridiculous I think it is to pay $160 to subject myself to mental and emotion distress for a test, I am taking it at the beginning of November. (this is when we all bow our heads and pray that I don’t lose mine. amen.)

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I’m an Aunt!!! (part 2)

Dear Rylan,

Thank you for being born so I could learn how to insert a slideshow into my blog.


Aunt Sarah

My nephew is perfect. My pictures, however are not. Here are few that did come out great though. These are of my dad holding him for the first time and the day he came home from the hospital. Did I mention that he’s perfect and I love him? Just checking. πŸ™‚ And if the cat touches him you’ll have to call PETA on me. Enjoy the Β mini show!

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For tips on how to make Rylan’s birthday cake you can check out Twirling Betty. There are instructions for the birthday cake mini bunting. I suggest running a few practice pieces of material through the sewing machine before using the ones cut out for the cake.

Posted in Create, Personal | 4 Comments

I’m an AUNT!!! (part 1)

Rylan Christopher was born on September 27, 2010. He is beautiful.

ET phooooone hoooome….. couldn’t help it, it was a long wait. πŸ™‚

Waiting with a lot of people…

It’s getting late Rylan… come on out…

After hearing the lullaby played over the speaker’s, cheering and tears… my poor dad had to hand his phone off when the first text picture came through. πŸ™‚

He’s perfect. I love him.

New grandparents texting away….

Please note the sign.

Making his debut!

Meeting my nephew! Smile baby. πŸ™‚ One of many.

Who are you people!?!

"I'm your grandma."

Don't worry, we're going to be here for hours just looking at you...

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Rainhill Equine Facility

“I heard a neigh. Oh, such a brisk and melodious neigh as that was! My very heart leaped with delight at the sound.” ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

We all know I love me a random adventure. If you haven’t discovered that about me, it’s half the reason I renamed my blog. I need it. So when my BFF Ashley sent me an email asking if I wanted to visit an equine rescue facility one fine Sunday afternoon, I was ready to go, complete with cowboy boots.

We drove out the winding road that I have so many memories of driving years ago to my grandparents lake house. There is something magical about little girls and horses. When I was little, we would drive through the country and I would dream that all the horses we passed were mine. There was a large open piece of land to the left of a bend. It was my favorite stretch of the road because it led through a tunnel of trees with thick beautiful shade, spitting our car out into the bright summer sun on the other side. That Sunday, we reached my favorite bend in the road but we turned before the tunnel. This house that I passed for so many years of my life, with what looked like a billion horses to my little eyes, was actually an equine sanctuary!!!

Rainhill Equine Facility is home to 55 abused and blind horses. Each horse has a unique story of how they came to live on the farm. From a horse who now has no ears, the ones that were beaten and are now afraid of gentle human touch, to countless horses given up because of sight loss, each of these beautiful animals are sweet and just want to be treated and cared for with love.

A captive audience. Though they have every right to be skittish, most of these horses love to be loved on. These guys were bidding farewell to the brownie troop that was out for a visit.


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Briar Allen

“For you created my inmost being;Β you knit me together in my mother’s womb.Β I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;Β your works are wonderful,Β I know that full well.Β My frame was not hidden from youΒ when I was made in the secret place.Β When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,Β your eyes saw my unformed body.Β All the days ordained for meΒ were written in your bookΒ before one of them came to be.” ~ Psalm 139: 13-16

This post is written with the weight of a heart that grieves for a brother and sister in Christ. It comes with tears. This post comes with sadness but more than anything, it is written with hope in awe of a captivating Savior.

I glanced over to my phone as the familiar ring of a text chimed through the kitchen. Then, as quickly as I had blinked, my heart sank and the tears came. It was a message that we knew we would receive eventually, but have waited for with bated breath. It meant that sooner rather than later we will travel to surround Brooke and Brandon with love, as we walk with them and draw near to our powerful and loving God. It was confirmation that we will say goodbye.

In the spring Brooke and Brandon, two of the most amazing people on earth, were given news that things were not ok. Early into B’s pregnancy Briar was diagnosed with a neural tube defect. As the test results returned, the hearts of two parents, a family, and friends were broken while the doctors explained exactly what the diagnoses meant for this sweet boy. Brooke’s honesty and vulnerability as she blogged through her experience has shed light into a world that many people fear. She is brave and beautiful beyond words that I have to describe her. You can see her maternity pics and more of her store here.

To say that I can even begin to understand would label me a fool. I can’t. The only thing I am able to do is pray for the hearts of my friends as they grieve, listen when I can, and just be available. It feels helpless.

On September 13, 2010 at 3:38 a.m., sharing his mommy’s birthday, sweet Briar was born and welcomed into the arms of his amazing parents and in to the arms of Christ where his body was made whole. From a worldly perspective that bears the weight of death. It means that a grieving family spent bitter-sweet moments with a beautiful baby, woven perfectly by God’s design, that didn’t last long enough on this side of heaven. However, to those who are a part of the body of Christ, that sentence bears one thing that I wish the entire world could know…HOPE. Briar will never know a life of pain or suffering, he will never know sorrow. He will only know joy and the love of Christ. He will only be whole and never as we are, broken, here on earth. His parents are able to say goodbye, because of hope. Hope that they will in fact see Briar again because our goodbye is not the end.

Embracing the pain with our friends, we will celebrate baby Briar and we will praise. Though we know God is here and he has given everything, we plead for Him to come and meet us where we are. We ask him to come mend our hearts when they break. We will praise the One who is worthy alone. We will praise him because his power is made perfect in our weakness. We praise him because his arms are open and waiting to comfort us. We praise him because we do not wonder where Briar is. He is resting and cuddling sweetly in the arms of Jesus.

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The Powder Blue Room and a Purple Lamp

It’s not ideal. It’s not my choice. But I have no other options. The house is for sale and painting would be futile. So I live in a powder blue room and I’m making the best of it. My goal is to do a complete room make over at a bare minimum price, using what I already have and coming up with some fun new projects.

Several of my friends have requested and even pleaded for years that I add color into my life. My wardrobe, my room, everything. I like black and cooler colors but I’ve given in. Why? Because I have a powder blue room to deal with and sleeping on the floor in an unpacked and undecorated room is driving me out of my ever-loving mind. So when I say color, I mean aΒ tidal wave of every color under the sun.

First up: A purple lamp. Purple? Oh yes. What used to be a hideous gold, paint-stained, wobbly lamp is now a cute little reading lamp. The opaque color makes it look a bit heavier and brings out the details that are really cute. Plus when I get tired of it, I’ll buy a different color can of spray paint and go at it again. An easy fix to a small eye sore. (Make sure you prime first, it looks smoother.)

Here’s a before picture of the room, just to show you how bad it is.

I’m not sleeping on the floor as of yesterday, but it may take several weeks to complete a full transformation. Look forward to it. πŸ™‚ Today I’m headed off to spend the day with a friend’s mom who is teaching me how to make a really fun craft that I found several weeks ago online. Β More to come soon… Happy Friday!

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The Runaways II- Tatts and Ta-tas

By request of my Aunt, this entry bears the name of true State Fair fashion, ink and boobies. I’m so thankful that I was able to enjoy all highlights of what the State Fair offers and then retreat to a comfortable hotel room (thanks to Jessica,) where wine and naps were waiting for me in an air-conditioned climate. Aunt Pam on the other hand was probably over-exposed to Kentucky’s finest people after 10 days or so of actually working the fair. Still, I am happy and thankful that she was willing to “enhance” our concert going experience with V.I.P. access and “Meet and Greet” sessions with the artists. It truly was a great weekend.

Saturday festivities:

The Band Perry. These three were actually really fun to meet. Though it was quick, they were are eager to meet the fans and really sweet. I was totally channeling Kimberly Perry’s hair by the time we were finished taking pictures. It’s like we are related. And it makes my heart happy to see someone rock the big hair styles.

Billy Currington. Also really sweet during pictures. The crowd was crazy at this concert and I’ll even admit that I almost harmed a drunk guy while waiting in line for a coke. Keep your hands to yourself people. And don’t mess with the chick who isn’t drunk and very aware of her surroundings, it works out better for everyone that way. πŸ™‚

Happy Monday.

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The Runaways

We are two red heads and a blond. Make no mistake, we are attempting to live in our current situations to the best of our God-given abilities. But sometimes you just need out. You run away for a moment in time. So when Jessica informed me that she was required to spend several days at the Kentucky State Fair in Louisville (Loo-a-vull, get it right,) for work, I saw it as an opportune time to flee for a long weekend. Let’s just say we got off to nothing short of a GREAT start.


After recruiting our friend Steph to join in the adventure, we began with the highly recommended Lynn’s Paradise Cafe near the Highlands area. Seriously, this place is awesome. With an eccentric, wild style that meets southern food with a flair, Lynn’s provides a family friendly atmosphere that rivals a colorful circus.

Who doesn’t want a bucket of animals to play with during dinner?!?!?

I have no idea what I would do without these two ladies in my life. Laughter. So filling.

Thursday night:

With a little help from my Aunt (shout out,) we went from general admission tickets to front row sitting, back stage going, trooper escorted concert goers. While Steph and Jess were attempting to keep my ego in check after a run in with the parking lot attendant, we were slowly waltzing in to a thoroughly entertaining event. First up was the Eli Young Band. Β Then we headed back stage to meet four really sweet guys working at their really fun jobs. It took a little reassuring, but Steph eventually calmed down and I think enjoyed being hit on by the bass guitar player.

The view from backstage:

Jake Owen. He ran down and grabbed my hand in the middle of the concert, so we are going to ignore the fact that he seemed like a complete dbag backstage during meet and greet. For a split second I contemplated not letting go until after begging for a kiss. Still so good to look at!!!

Tomorrow brings more fair activities, my first 4H experience forced Β recommendedΒ by Jessica as a supplement for everything I missed as a child, and more great concerts. Can’t. Wait.

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Cozy Quilting

One of my favorite childhood memories is waking up on crisp, early summer mornings wrapped in a quilt. I loved to sleep in the old swing on my grandparents screened-in porch at the lake. Light would stream through the trees early in the morning and you could hear the boats on the water coming to life slowly. I remember laying there for as long as possible, wrapped in a quilt. Cozy.

I woke this morning feeling much the same way. I hate to see summer go, but there is something about the comfort of fall and the relief of cooler weather that makes me enjoy snuggling up with a cup of coffee and sitting outside on the porch. I’m not talking about snuggling in just any blanket. It has to be a quilt.

There was a quilt on my bed during the summer months of my childhood. Made by my great, great-grandmother, my great-grandmother, and my grandmother, the quilts are worn with time and quite possibly the softest blankets on the face of the earth.

Upon relocating, I was gifted with a box of material that was in my grandmother’s basement. My mom has had it for a while and I took it thinking I might make a quilt.

Now I’m pretty much obsessed with making what is technically my second quilt (but my first one kind of sucked.) This one does not suck. I’m not sure if it’s the desire for something tangibly comforting or the need for mental endurance, but my queen sized quilt is coming along nicely.

I have successfully sifted through almost both of my grandmother’s sewing supplies. Between the two of them I’m pretty sure I will never have to buy thread again. πŸ™‚ It was amazing to go through and see some of the vintage supplies. There is thread on wooden spools that cost 10 cents all the way up to recent purchases of my own. The price different between now and “then” is amazing.

I don’t get to say that I actually quilt. I’m currently trying to decide if I’m willing to learn the entire quilting process this time around or if I’ll just be making the top of it and handing it off to a more talented person and paying them to finish it. I may be all about making my own quilt, however I am not all about hand sewing ANYTHING. In that respect, I am lazy. So given the fact that I’m skirting around the part of the process that actually defines quilting, I can’t say that I quilt completely. I’ve calculated that I will be making 110 squares to finish the top of this particular quilt.

29 down, 81 to go. Bring it on. πŸ™‚

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Welcome to WordPress. :)

Welcome to After long deliberation, (really just finding someone to help me because sometimes I’m not so computer smart) I have made it to my new blog. Thanks to Chris for pointing out how easy it was to make this change. πŸ˜‰ The other one didn’t feel right. Then I changed the name and it still wasn’t what I wanted. So here I am. Pleasantly pleased and learning how to spruce up my new little space. Be patient with me and anticipate some changes while I learn. But I promise to stay at this location for now.

Quite a bit has changed since I last blogged and I hope to have updates in the next week or so. I’m excited about several projects I have going right now and can’t wait for you all to see them! I will be working on my “About” section soon and tailoring the blog for some new ideas and exciting adventures.

Stay tuned!!!!!!

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